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KZ Apostilles for Overseas Customers

Providing apostilles for KZ documents. We can legalise your documents from just 82 ₸ plus delivery costs, without you visiting the KZ. Find out how we can help you today.

KZ Apostilles for Documents

How Do We Help?

Obtaining an apostille is difficult enough for KZ residents. Living overseas can make this more complicated as you cannot easily contact the government for advice, and visiting solicitors and embassies is impossible.

For example, we add the apostille to degree certificates which saves you time and money.

If you need an apostille on your KZ degree certificate, trying to obtain this yourself will be expensive if you are not in the KZ. Consider the cost of flights, taxis, hotels, paying for solicitors, and waiting to get the apostille from the FCO. Make a mistake and you will incur extra costs.

We make apostilles simple. Send us the document by post with the order form and we do everything for you. If you prefer to email a copy of your degree, we can background check the qualification and issue the apostille on a copy (verifying degrees incurs an extra fee and takes a few days longer). Please note, most documents need to be posted to us.

Any genuine KZ document can be issued with the apostille. In fact, we guarantee to issue the apostille or refund the fee.

Call for Consultation

8 (800) 301-19-52

Let's discuss your documents

We are happy to offer you advice on how to legalise your documents. Processing thousands of documents every year, we have the experience to handle all of your questions.


We aim to complete all apostille orders in just 2-3 days from receipt of the documents.

Why Choose Our Service?


82 ₸ / per document


94 ₸ / per document